How to Start a Habit for Meditation: A Step-by-Step Guide
For a while now, I have been struggling with Impostor Syndrome (IS). My most significant setback occurred in my current job. I switched jobs just over a year ago to an industry with which I was not very familiar. A combination of many factors has led me to doubt myself repeatedly. Feeling if my entire…
How to face Fears in front of the unknown?
How to face Fears in front of the unknown? We all have a story or childhood trauma that serves as the genesis of our most common fears. In my case, it traces back to my father’s economic struggles. When I was just 7 years old, he was abruptly laid off, leading to the loss of…
The Power of Consistency: The Key to everything in life
“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most” Abraham Lincoln “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, it is a habit” Aristotle Both quotes above clearly express the result and power of consistency. Life, every single aspect of it, is about consistency and discipline. You…
10 Healthy habits to start following today
These 10 healthy habits to start following today, aren’t what you think they are. We usually associate the word healthy, with fitness and weight loss, so when we think of the habits that will lead us to that, we immediately think of workouts, early mornings or salad eating. While those aspects are important, is not…
10 Steps for Changing a Bad Habit
Changing a bad habit will require patience, practice, openness, and a desire to change. Reading “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey left a lasting impact on me with a simple yet profound line from the beginning of the book: A thousand miles journey, begins with the first step, and can…