Finance & Flowers

Helping you become financially independent and creating a more creative-simpler life

Category: Debt

Easy to follow guides to help you manage your debt and spending habits, like learning to use the credit cards benefits, the real cost of debt and new habits to become debt free

  • Understanding Debt and being broke

    Understanding Debt and being broke

    Like every problem in life, to be able to fix it, you first need to understand it. When dealing with financial problems, this begins with understanding debt and being broke, as almost all financial issues stem from Bad Debt Management. Sometimes, you could have a good income, live in a nice house, but still be…

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  • 10 Powerful Signs that you have a financial problem

    10 Powerful Signs that you have a financial problem

    Financial Problem, me? No. We usually don’t see it. In this post, we will give you 10 signs that you have a financial problem, so that once you have identified it, you can take the necessary steps to fix it. Listening to Jim Rohn’s speeches on YouTube, setting goals is important to succeed in life.…

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